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7月, 2019

young couple shopping for wine


Regular wine consumers care a lot about sustainability. That’s the bottom line from new research, conducted this spring by Wine Intelligence, into how shoppers view sustainable winegrowing. A survey of 2,000 regular drinkers, combined with results from focus groups, revealed that a large majority is interested in purchasing sustainable wine in the future, will pay more for it (an average of $3 more per bottle), and views certification logos on wine labels as helpful and credible. Younger consumers especially—Millennials and Gen Z respondents of legal drinking age—take note of sustainable practices and like to see sustainable certification on wine.

The Pour

Which Wine?

When you have guests over for dinner, the “welcome pour” makes a big impression. Get some California rosé into those glasses immediately and people will remember your hospitality long after they’ve forgotten whether the salmon was perfectly cooked. California vintners make refreshing rosés from red grapes of every type, from Pinot Noir to Zinfandel to Cabernet Sauvignon. Play the field to find the brands you love. The most popular ones disappear by midsummer, so stash away a few bottles to make sure you’re covered.

Meet the Grapes: Explore more wine pairings

The Recipe


Welcome guests to your home for dinner with a glass of California rosé and a slice of warm olive focaccia. If you’ve baked the focaccia hours before, you can reheat it quickly in a hot oven, although it’s plenty tasty at room temperature, too. Pack it on a picnic or a hike with your favorite salumi and cheeses. Or adapt the topping to showcase a seasonal fresh vegetable, like halved cherry tomatoes or strips of roasted sweet pepper. Adding cooked potato to the dough produces an especially moist and tasty result.

Wine suggestion: 适宜搭配加州长相思或桃红葡萄酒

Potato Focaccia


  • 1⁄2 磅(250 克)育空金土豆,不削皮
  • 1 1⁄2 茶匙活性干酵母
  • 3 3⁄4 杯(465 克)未漂白中筋面粉,以及更多面粉用于揉面
  • 2 1⁄2 茶匙粗盐或海盐,以及更多用于点缀
  • 1⁄4 杯(60 毫升)特级初榨橄榄油,以及更多用于涂油和刷油
  • 24 颗加州橄榄,去核切成两半
  • 1 1⁄2 茶匙新鲜迷迭香末,切成碎末,或干牛至,捣成碎末


将土豆放入一个小炖锅内,加水至高于土豆 1 英寸(2.5 厘米 )。不要加盐。大火煮开后改为文火慢炖,再根据土豆的大小炖煮 15 分钟或更长时间,直至土豆变软,可轻易戳开。

将锅从火上移开,留出 1 1/3 杯(330 毫升)的煮土豆水,然后沥干土豆。当土豆凉至可用手操作时,去皮并倒入马铃薯捣碎机或带有细刀片的食物辗磨器捣碎后装入碗中。如果没有马铃薯捣碎机或食物辗磨器,可用马铃薯搅碎机将土豆搅碎成泥。
将煮土豆水放入冰箱冷却至 105-115 华氏度(40-46 摄氏度)。将 1/3 杯(80 毫升)冷却的煮土豆水倒入一个大碗中,撒入酵母。待酵母软化约 3 分钟,然后用叉子将酵母搅匀并融化,静置约 10 分钟直至起泡。


将橄榄油、碎土豆和剩余的 1 杯(250 毫升)煮土豆水加入已发酵的酵母中。搅拌均匀,然后逐渐加入面粉,用木勺搅拌直至碗壁变得干净。将面团置于碗中,用手轻揉面团直至面团光滑,额外加入适量的面粉防止粘手。所需面粉不应多于 1 至 2 汤匙。将面团揉成团,涂抹少量橄榄油。用保鲜膜紧密盖住碗,让面团醒至两倍体积,约 1 1/2 至 2 个小时。

将面团压平。用 1 汤匙橄榄油在 11×17 英寸(28×43 厘米)的烤盘底部和边缘涂油。将面团转移至烤盘。双手涂满油,将面团按压成可放入烤盘的长方形。面团具有弹性,并会回缩。如果您在将面团按压至足以覆盖烤盘后面团仍然回缩,将其静置 5 分钟后再试一次。如果面团的边角仍然回缩,再静置 5 分钟再试一次。几次静置后您应该能够将面团压平,但若面团无法完全覆盖烤盘也没有关系。无需覆盖面团,醒面约 1 1/2 小时直至面团胀大。

醒面的同时预热烤箱至 400 华氏度(200 摄氏度)。如果您有披萨石(烘焙砖),将其放入烤箱中层烤架上预热,理想预热时长为至少 30 分钟。

将橄榄均匀铺在佛卡夏面包上,然后轻轻将其按实。在面团表面刷 1 汤匙橄榄油,然后撒上迷迭香和少许盐。将烤盘放在烘焙石(如使用)上,烘烤约 20-25 分钟直至佛卡夏面包呈金黄色,中途前后调转烤盘。


制作一个 11×17 英寸(28×43 厘米)的佛卡夏面包

Wine Institute is an association of nearly 1,000 California wineries and affiliated businesses from the beautiful and diverse wine regions throughout the state. Wine Institute works to create an environment where the wine community can flourish and contribute in a positive fashion to our nation, state and local communities. For information please contact


Certified sustainable producer Jordan Winery, owner of the Wine Country Table website and magazine, consents to Wine Institute’s use of its trademark for this book. Find food, wine, entertaining and travel tips at