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6月, 2019

Wine Country Table book spines


Experience the bounty of California in Wine Country Table, a gorgeous new cookbook showcasing everything the Golden State grows—from asparagus and avocados to winegrapes. The book highlights farms and wineries that are leaders in sustainability, with 50 California-fresh recipes that will make you eager to cook.

“Whether you enjoy visiting the wine country, are a lover of great food and sumptuous wine, or take pleasure in leafing through a beautiful book, this one is for you.”
—Joanne Weir, chef and author of Kitchen Gypsy, and host of Joanne Weir’s Plates & Places on PBS.

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The Pour

Which Wine?

California Merlot has supple, soft tannins that work well with sweet duck breast. Plus, the wine’s aromas (cherry and plum are common descriptors) echo the fruit in the dish. Napa Valley’s cooler appellations—such as Carneros and Oak Knoll—produce outstanding, fruit-forward Merlots, but Sonoma’s Alexander Valley and Monterey County are also premier growing sites.

Meet the Grapes: Explore more wine pairings

The Recipe


Cooking duck breasts slowly, skin side down, helps eliminate almost every speck of fat. After about 20 minutes, the skin will be crisp and the flesh as rosy and tender as a fine steak. A silky port and cherry sauce makes this a restaurant-caliber dish. Serve with spring new potatoes or wild rice.

Wine suggestion: 适宜搭配加州赤霞珠葡萄酒或梅洛红葡萄酒

Duck with Cherry Sauce



  • 8 颗杜松果
  • 2 茶匙切碎的新鲜百里香
  • 2 茶匙粗盐或海盐
  • 1 茶匙黑胡椒粒
  • 4 块无骨鸭胸肉,每块约 1⁄2 磅(250 克)


  • 1 杯(250 毫升)馨芳葡萄酒或宝石红波尔图葡萄酒
  • 1 个青葱,切碎
  • 3 根带枝百里香
  • 1 条橙皮屑,用蔬菜削皮器削下
  • 1 汤匙意大利香醋
  • 24 颗樱桃,去核切半
  • 1⁄2 杯(125 毫升)浓鸡汤,从1 杯(250 毫升)鸡汤中浓缩得到
  • 1⁄2 茶匙糖
  • 粗盐或海盐,并加入现磨黑胡椒粉
  • 1 汤匙无盐黄油



以交叉的刀法在每块鸭胸肉的鸭皮上划花刀,刀不要碰到鸭肉。(改花刀有助于脂肪熔化。)将擦抹佐料均匀地涂抹在每块鸭胸的两面。将鸭胸放在平架上,并将架子放在托盘内。不加盖,放入冰箱冷藏 24 到 36 个小时。烹饪前恢复至室温。

选择能够完全容纳所有鸭胸的厚底煎锅。(如要避免太满,请使用两个煎锅。)将鸭胸置于未加热的煎锅中,鸭皮朝下,用中火煎制。煎约 15分钟至鸭皮变得金黄焦脆,不时将油脂舀出,直到鸭皮的油脂不再析出。(依个人喜好,鸭油可保留用于炸土豆)

转动鸭胸,使鸭肉朝下继续煎制,用夹具转动鸭胸以便露出的全部鸭肉均可煎到,当即时温度计上显示锅内温度达 125 华氏度(52 摄氏度)时再煎制 3 分钟。将鸭胸转移到切肉板上,在切片前静置 5 分钟。

煎制鸭肉时制作酱汁:将波特红葡萄酒、青葱、百里香、橙皮屑、醋和一半的樱桃放入小炖锅中。用中火煮开,文火煮至酱汁浓缩至 3/4 杯(180 毫升)。加入鸡汤和糖,煮至汤汁再次浓缩至 3/4 杯(180 毫升)。将炖锅从火上移开,用夹具将百里香枝叶和橙皮屑夹出丢弃。

用搅拌器将酱汁搅打成泥。将细滤网放在炖锅上,过滤酱汁,用橡胶铲按压固体物。再次调至中火,加盐和胡椒调味,煮至浓缩至 1/2 杯(125 毫升)。一边加入剩余的樱桃一边搅拌,并将炖锅从火上移开。加入黄油,搅动直至黄油融化。


4 人份

Wine Institute is an association of nearly 1,000 California wineries and affiliated businesses from the beautiful and diverse wine regions throughout the state. Wine Institute works to create an environment where the wine community can flourish and contribute in a positive fashion to our nation, state and local communities. For information please contact


Certified sustainable producer Jordan Winery, owner of the Wine Country Table website and magazine, consents to Wine Institute’s use of its trademark for this book. Find food, wine, entertaining and travel tips at