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5月, 2019

Green Medal Awards Logo


Time for a shout-out to California’s newest Green Medal winners, recognized for modeling sustainable practices in the wine industry. Medals are awarded annually in four categories (Leader, Environment, Community and Business), and both wineries and grape growers are eligible. Cue the drumroll, please. The 2019 honorees are Silver Oak Cellars, Scheid Family Wines, Smith Family Wines, and Domaine Carneros. Watch the video to learn what these enterprises are doing to keep California wines on the cutting edge of sustainability.

The Pour

Which Wine?

California Sauvignon Blanc is the go-to pour for dishes that showcase spring vegetables, like this ramen bowl. Most bottlings tend to have a lean, steely texture and bright citrus or herbal flavors that complement green vegetables. A few vintners blend in Semillon for a fleshier style or use oak aging to give their Sauvignon Blanc more complexity. The variety appreciates a warm climate. Lake County, Napa Valley, and inland areas of Sonoma County are among the best sites for this popular variety.

Meet the Grapes: Explore more wine pairings

The Recipe


Everybody loves ramen. The noodles are slippery and satisfying, the broth nourishing, and it’s okay to slurp. Use this recipe as a template for your own inspirations. When asparagus aren’t in season, substitute spinach or mustard greens. If you can’t find edamame (soybeans), try fava beans or green peas. A quivering six-minute egg continues to cook in the hot broth and adds richness.

Wine suggestion: 适宜搭配加州雷司令葡萄酒或琼瑶浆白葡萄酒

Asparagus Ramen


  • 3 1⁄2 杯(875 毫升)浓鸡汤或蔬菜汤
  • 1⁄2 杯(5 克)干木鱼花
  • 1 个大鸡蛋
  • 1⁄2 磅(250 克)现拉面
  • 2 茶匙亚洲芝麻油
  • 4 个香菇,约 1 1⁄2 盎司(45 克),取蒂,然后切片
  • 粗盐或海盐
  • 1⁄2 杯(70 克)新鲜或冷冻的去壳毛豆
  • 2⁄3 杯(70 克)斜切的芦笋尖,切成
  • 1⁄4 英寸(6 毫米)厚的薄片
  • 1⁄4 杯(65 克)白味噌
  • 1⁄4 杯(30 克)青葱碎,仅用葱白和葱绿
  • 七味唐辛子(日式七种混合香料)用于装饰


用一个小炖锅将鸡汤煮开。将炖锅从火上移开,加入木鱼花,撒在表面。浸泡 3-4 分钟,然后用粗棉布过滤鸡汤,再将已过滤的鸡汤倒回炖锅中。

在小炖锅中倒入足以没过鸡蛋的水,但先不要放入鸡蛋。用大火将水煮开,然后调至小火,这时放入鸡蛋可避免碰破。烧水的同时,准备一碗冰水。用一个大勺将鸡蛋放入沸腾的水中,小心磕碰。调至文火慢煮鸡蛋。煮 6 分钟整。用漏勺将鸡蛋放入冰水中。晾凉后从水中捞出剥皮。

用大火将一大锅清水煮沸。加入拉面,搅拌防止面条粘连。不时搅拌,煮至面条咬劲适中(时长视面条的新鲜程度而定)。用夹具将面条从锅中捞出,放入漏勺或滤盆中。用凉水冲淋,抖动滤掉多余的水分。将面条放入碗中,淋上 1 茶匙芝麻油防止粘连。


在小不粘煎锅中用中火加热剩余的 1 茶匙芝麻油。加入香菇,炒 1-2 分钟至变软。加盐调味待用。

用中火将鸡汤重新煮至沸腾。加入毛豆,文火煮 3-5 分钟至变软。(您可加入冷冻毛豆,无需解冻。)加入芦笋煮 1 分钟。将味噌放入小碗,加入足够多的热汤搅拌成顺滑流动的质地。将稀释的味噌一边搅拌一边倒入鸡汤中。品尝咸度并进行调整。

将汤碗中的热水倒掉。将面条和香菇平均装在 2 个碗里。将热气腾腾的鸡汤平均浇在面条上。将煮蛋切成两半,分别放在两个碗中。用大量青葱和七味唐辛子装饰,即可食用。

2 人份

Wine Institute is an association of nearly 1,000 California wineries and affiliated businesses from the beautiful and diverse wine regions throughout the state. Wine Institute works to create an environment where the wine community can flourish and contribute in a positive fashion to our nation, state and local communities. For information please contact


Certified sustainable producer Jordan Winery, owner of the Wine Country Table website and magazine, consents to Wine Institute’s use of its trademark for this book. Find food, wine, entertaining and travel tips at